A Classical Christian Homeschool Co-op

Our mission:
Partnering with families to classically educate students for Christ
Tapestry of West Columbus is a homeschool co-op designed to give your children a strong academic foundation with a Biblical worldview. The co-op consists of parent-teachers and also hired teachers. You may be involved in the Classic or the Chartered portion of our co-op or both. Our heart is to disciple, while we teach. We believe all of the subjects should be taught with a Biblical worldview. We are looking for like-minded families that want to encourage quality education and discipleship through all the subjects.
Tapestry Chartered Classes
Our paid classes or Tapestry Chartered includes hired teachers to instruct in elective classes such as Apologia Science, IEW Writing, Spanish, music, and others. These chartered classes are intended to be a blessing to our Classic Tapestry members as well as other outside home school families.
Overview of planned Chartered Classes for the year 2023-2024:
Writing – Elegant Essay
Writing - IEW - Discoveries in Writing
Science – Apologia – Physics
Science - Apologia - Marine Biology
Science - Discovering Design - Chemistry
Science - Apologia - Physical Science
Science - Berean Builders - Science in the Industrial Age
Spanish II
Government - (2nd semester only)
Fine Arts and Activities
Music Exploration - for K-6th
Please click on "Tapestry Chartered" below to see detailed class descriptions.
Tapestry Classic Classes
Our Tapestry Classic includes history and literature using Tapestry of Grace, a classical Christian curriculum. Tapestry has divided their curriculum into 3 primary age groups (grammar,dialectic, rhetoric), where all students study the same period in history, but at different reading & comprehension levels. Art, church history, worldview (HS), & literature are all taught alongside the corresponding historical segment from a biblical worldview. The curriculum divides the study of history into four eras, called year-plans, which take your entire family through the whole of recorded history in a 4-year cycle. This program is highly customizable and provides additional reading, projects, group activities, etc.
Overview of afternoon Tapestry Classic Classes for (participating families help with these classes):
History – Tapestry of Grace curriculum – all grades
Literature – Tapestry of Grace curriculum – all grades
Please click on "Tapestry Classic" below to see detailed class descriptions.
The cost of joining Tapestry of West Columbus is $25 per family ($50 if registering after May31st). Additionally, each family will pay $32/year to go toward our insurance fees. All chartered class teachers will also receive payment for their classes. Please see the class descriptions for the classes you are interested in to find the exact cost per class.
Our morning chartered classes include Science, Writing, and more.
Our afternoon Tapestry of Grace unit studies for 2024-2025 will focus on
World History during the 1900s.

We meet at Life In Christ Fellowship located at 500 State Route 142 NE, West Jefferson, Ohio 43162.