A Classical Christian Homeschool Co-op
Tapestry Classic
These classes meet each class day afternoon from 12:30 to 2:45. This part of our co-op requires the parent to be involved with helping and/or teaching for the 2+ hours of classes. There are no additional fees to participate. However, you will need to purchase the Tapestry of Grace curriculum.
Our Tapestry Classic includes history and literature using Tapestry of Grace, a classical Christian curriculum. Tapestry has divided their curriculum into 3 primary age groups (grammar,dialectic, rhetoric), where all students study the same period in history, but at different reading & comprehension levels. Art, church history, worldview (HS), & literature are all taught alongside the corresponding historical segment from a biblical worldview. The curriculum divides the study of history into four eras, called year-plans, which take your entire family through the whole of recorded history in a 4-year cycle. This program is highly customizable and provides additional reading, projects, group activities, etc.
For information on the Tapestry of Grace curriculum, click here:
Dialectic and Rhetoric Students (Jr. & High School)
The dialectic and rhetoric (Jr. High and High school) have Socratic discussions, which include history, geography, church history, and worldview. The discussions are lead by parent-teachers and are designed to connect the dots from the reading that is done prior to class. These are not lectures but are intended for students to participate and to be engaged in learning while the teacher asks thoughtful questions. The students are given weekly accountability questions, timeline, and maps, which help to guide their reading and prepare them for discussion. Literature is either time-period classics or historical fiction.
Grammar Students (K-6th)
The typical day for the grammar students in the co-op consists of a general review of the current week's reading, memory work, presentations, and hands-on learning activities. Rotating parent-teachers lightens the workload and keeps the material fresh and fun for our students.
Unit Celebrations
At the end of each unit, we have a celebration in order to show off all that we have done. This is an opportunity to involve the dads and for students to give oral reports, play instruments, display art projects etc. We usually dress-up and have time period food. Unit Celebrations allow families to get closer, and spend time outside of class which encourages friendships among the students and the parents. In the past, we have hosted a Seder Dinner, Medieval Feast, a Square Dance and have traveled to Jamestown and Yorktown together.

Classic Class Descriptions 2024-2025
High School - Rhetoric Level History
Tapestry of Grace Year 4 - World History during the 1900s
Teacher: Rotation of Parent-Teachers
Prerequisites: Tapestry Classic History Co-op, Ability to read and discuss at high school level
Class Length: Full Year
Age/ Grade Level: High School (Rhetoric)
Credit: One credit for World History or ½ credit for U.S. History & ½ credit World History
Class Description: This world history course covers major world events of the twentieth century. We will look at World War I, the Russian Revolution, the Roaring Twenties, the Great Depression, World War II, Communism and events in the Middle East. We will wrap up the year and our 4 year cycle with a look at the presidencies in the United States and current world events. Students will earn one full credit upon completion of this course. (Another credit option: U.S. History: one-half credit and World History: one-half credit)
Homework, Tests, Grades: There will be weekly assignments, including reading assignments and both Accountability and Thinking Questions due at the beginning of class. Timelines and maps should also be completed at home and will be checked periodically in class. Quizzes during class, reports and/or essays can be expected. Grades will be the responsibility of the parent but are available upon request.
Parental Involvement: Parents are expected to provide the books listed in the Reading Assignment pages. Parents are ultimately responsible for their students’ education and should make sure that their students are reading, completing work, and turning it in on time.
Text/ Material Required: Tapestry of Grace Year 4 Rhetoric level History and related books. Please see Tapestry of Grace Year 4 for the current list.
Class Fees: N/A
Supply Fee: N/A
Middle School - Dialectic Level History
Tapestry of Grace Year 4 - World History during the 1900s
Teacher: Rotation of Parent-Teachers
Prerequisites: Tapestry Classic History Co-op, Ability to read and discuss at dialectic level
Class Length: One Year
Age/ Grade Level: Jr. High (Dialectic) (6th-8th)
Class Description: This world history course covers major world events of the twentieth century. We will look at World War I, the Russian Revolution, the Roaring Twenties, the Great Depression, World War II, Communism and events in the Middle East. We will wrap up the year and our 4 year cycle with a look at the presidencies in the United States and current world events. Students will earn one full credit upon completion of this course. (Another credit option: U.S. History: one-half credit and World History: one-half credit)
Homework, Tests, Grades: There will be weekly assignments, including reading assignments, Accountability/Thinking Questions due at the beginning of class. Timelines and maps should also be completed at home and will be checked periodically. Grades will be the responsibility of the parent.
Parental Involvement: Parents are expected to provide the books before they are needed. They are ultimately responsible for their students’ education and should make sure that their students are reading, completing work and turning it in on time. The teacher will provide discussion progress reports, but will not provide grades.
Text/ Material Required: Tapestry of Grace Year 4 Dialectic level History and related books. Please see Tapestry of Grace Year 4 for the current list.
Class Fees: N/A
Supply Fee: N/A
Elementary School - Grammar Level History
Tapestry of Grace Year 4 - World History during the 1900s
Teacher: Co-op Rotation of Parent-Teachers
Prerequisites: Tapestry Classic History Co-op, Ability to follow directions and participate in class projects and discussions at the elementary level.
Class Length: One Year
Age/ Grade Level: K-6th (Elementary)
Class Description: Classes are for two hours and include a rotation of hands-on crafts, history discussion, and geography.
Homework, Tests, Grades: None
Parental Involvement: Parents are expected to provide the books for weekly at home reading. They are ultimately responsible for their students’ education and should make sure that their students are reading and completing work. Parents may need to help with unit celebration projects, costumes, or reports.
Text/ Material Required: Tapestry of Grace Year 4 Grammar level History and related books. Please see Tapestry of Grace Year 4 for the current list.
Class Fees: N/A
Supply Fee: N/A
High School Rhetoric Level Literature
Tapestry of Grace Year 4 - Classic Literature of the World
Teacher: Mrs. Laura Neely
Prerequisites: Strong reading, writing and grammar skills; previous essay writing class preferred but not mandatory
Age/Grade Level: High School
Class Length: Full year
High School Credit: 1 English/Literature/Language Arts Credit
Class Description: The goal of this class is to familiarize each student with the themes and worldviews of the important works of this era and to provide a variety of writing assignments to explore these themes and worldviews more fully. Although I’d consider this a college prep class, students who are not college bound will benefit from the reading and writing assignments. To accomplish this, we will be using the Tapestry Year 4 Rhetoric Literature curriculum. However, we will only cover about 75% of the material given. This slower pace will allow us to focus on the works and also devote more time to writing. The first few weeks of class will be spent on a review of how to write 5-paragraph essays, in addition to the assigned reading. The focus of class time throughout the year will be on discussions of each book/work. Short quizzes may be given in class to keep students accountable in their reading. Different types of essays and writing assignments will be required for each work. We will be writing literary analysis essays, persuasive essays and comparison/contrast essays. At least one in-class timed essay will be assigned, as well as a group project/presentation and a longer research paper. I will provide feedback to parents during the year and a suggested grade at the end of the year.
Homework, Tests, Grades: Homework will consist of reading the assigned pages and answering the Tapestry thinking and written questions. Comprehension quizzes may be given in class to keep students accountable in their reading. Essays and projects are to be completed. There will not be any tests. A suggested final grade will be provided based on essay scores, class participation, homework and quizzes.
Parental Involvement: Parents are expected to provide the books before they are needed. They are ultimately responsible for their students’ education and should make sure that their students are reading, completing work and turning it in on time.
Texts Required: Tapestry of Grace Year 4 Rhetoric Literature and books. Please don’t purchase books until the final book selection is decided by August 1. Possible titles include:
All Quiet on the Western Front by Remarque
Animal Farm by Orwell
The Great Gatsby by Fitzgerald
The Pearl by Steinbeck
The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway
To Kill a Mockingbird by Lee
The Hobbit by Tolkien
I, Robot by Asinov
Poetics published by Tapestry of Grace
Class Fees: $50 per student per semester.
Supply Fee: $0
Middle School - Dialectic Level Literature
Tapestry of Grace Year 4 - Classic Literature of the World
Teacher: Rotation of Parent-Teachers
Age/Grade Level: 6th-8th (Dialectic)
Prerequisites: Tapestry Classic History Co-op Only
Class Length: Full Year
Class Description: This literature course will encourage students toward in-depth thinking to prepare them for advanced literary analysis at the rhetoric level. A variety of literary terms and genres will be taught.
Homework, Tests, Grades: Students will read approximately 100-120 pages per week and also complete a weekly assignment related to their reading. They will receive points each week in four areas: completion of reading, completion of assignment, class participation, and respect for the teacher and classmates. Quizzes for literary terms may be given each unit and graded in class.
Parental Involvement: Parents are expected to provide the books before they are needed. They are ultimately responsible for their child’s education and should make sure that their student is reading, completing work and turning it in on time. Parents will also determine the final grade for each student.
Text/Material Required: Literature selections will be primarily from the Tapestry of Grace Year 4 Dialectic Literature selections. Occasionally, an alternate selection better fits our group.
Class Fees: N/A
Supply Fee: N/A